During our epic interview this week with former World Champion boxer, Chris Eubank, we discussed comments made about God by the English actor and presenter, Stephen Fry:
A clip from the interview with Stephen Fry that Eubank refers to can be seen below:
Eubank wrote the following open letter to Stephen Fry in February, following the airing of the interview on national television:
“Dear Stephen
We, in the community, take exception and will not tolerate any form of bullying whether intellectual or physical. That said, we are gentle and in so being, we forgive and pay idiots little or no mind. We have always protected those who were not physically strong or intellectually inept.
What you said about all those who believe in God was deplorable, ignorant, shocking and an outrage. Who on earth would be foolish enough to infer that our mother’s and fore-parents were stupid?
Do you not know that our Queen, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther-King and Winston Churchill trusted in God and if not for their belief in God our condition as a community at large, we would not live with what is truly under-rated as a necessity for the human condition, the dignity of mankind.
Are you aware of that? And, if you are, how dare you?
This ignorance coming from a man who has fans (fanatics) like me looking up to you as a beacon, will not let this outrage stand.
I have 19 world championship wins and I’m giving you a shot at the championship in the form of a debate, using brain not brawn. If you have the courage of your conviction to stand by what you said, and battle it out intellectually, then I will step into ‘your’ ring.
I have been told I have an IQ of 190 (guestimated by a prominent UK financier) and with all the humility I possess, I know I am not hailed to be Britain’s most intelligent man, but I can comfortably say that this is a debate I cannot fail to win.
Stephen, 2 years ago at a studio in London, I paid you a compliment to which you replied “thank you, you’re very sweet”.
Unlike the masses, you have been blessed with this genius. Blessed? From where did this come?
What you said in your diatribe to Gay Byrne, exhibited all the hallmarks of an oaf and a bully. This cannot stand. Have you ever done anything so silly that has caused you to be cautious about leaning on your own understanding? If you have, then how is it that you view yourself to be so well placed to belligerently, and ignorantly, force your opinion on half of the planet who are surviving on the belief that the force of God is omnipresent and therefore feel that they are being sustained by this force, which is real. And, what an individual deems to be real, is real.
A man who possesses your alleged IQ should be well aware that it’s probably not wise to propagate about that which you have little to no understanding or humility.
We as the community are entertained and usually enlightened by people like you, and the beacon that you usually are is a welcome one. This is the light in which I hold you in this vast cosmic arena.
We want hope and we all want to gravitate towards comfort, and anyone who would denigrate hope in any form is a blockhead. I use this term as it should resonate with you.
Stephen Fry, you have been one of my hero’s in this modern day, and because I strive to standard bear the warrior’s code, I as a member of the community. and one who does not shy away from bullies, have to stand up against all that would harm our community, so I ask you to use your considerable discretion and make amends for your abhorrent stupidity and win back the people who you lost when you dared to cross the line with your awful response. In my view, you destroyed the very bright star that you are, in the eyes and minds of all those who you perceive to be beneath your understanding of this great enveloping cosmic arena, in which we are relatively obscure.
The greatest privilege I am fortunate enough to know, and to feel, is the warmth and love of my family and the hearts of the people. I soon realised once I had fought hard and valiantly to prize the championship of the world away from Nigel Benn, that it was the hearts of the people that I was truly trying to win. The belts I soon came to understand were only symbols that did not carry the same gravitas.
You had the hearts of the people without having to fight for this privilege, that of which you must concede to be the greatest achievement of your life. You have undoubtedly lost this honour. I say this with a sense of sadness because I am one of them.
We the people want you back and need you back, so I implore you to rebuild what you have always been loved for which is your admirable, and mostly unquestionable, brilliance. We will help you because you will always be brilliant, Mr Stephen Fry.
Best regards
Chris Eubank Snr”
If you would like to see a debate on this subject between Chris Eubank and Stephen Fry, let them know via Twitter by tweeting this.