Dear London Realer,
London Real’s First Live Event featuring Dan Peña (me) and the 1-day QLA Seminar at The Ritz, was a big success. Brian Rose released teasers across the last few weeks and many have said they are interested in a sequel of the seminar. However, my suggestion to Brian is a few more hours allocated to QLA content with no 3-hour dinner.
Time will tell if there is enough interest to have another, though people came from far and wide to attend the last. Funny, but I still find it amusing when people hear and see me for the first time in person! They always seem like a herd of deer in the head lights of a fast moving truck! LOL! In the late 90’s and early 2000’s it was even rumoured that I’d actually hit the attendees! LOL!
Dinner at London Real's first ever live event in the Ritz with Dan Pena.
Times continue to be tough for many, notwithstanding low interest rates and the stock market rebound, but remember people change only out of inspiration or desperation. Which are you? Inspired? Or desperate? It’s up to you to determine why Brian has dramatically changed! LOL! The kids that attended the Ritz gig, though, didn’t look particularly inspired to me. Let's see how you would grade a few of my castle seminar attendees. Are they desperate or inspired? I will leave them nameless to protect the guilty.
I randomly picked out attendees from a number of seminars to give you good samples. Yeah, times are tough – but deals are still getting done!
A 41 year old attendee had been funding property deals tied to energy producing green technology and wanted to do larger ones than he was currently doing. He had not been turned down ever by his bank in 20 years and he came to Guthrie to learn how to get larger and quicker results. I told him that although what he had accomplished was admirable, he should do much better if he pushed harder. He should not be proud of never being turned down, it just meant he was not asking for enough money. He was not focused and hungry enough.
He was a manager at a site of the largest international fast food operation in Australia. He had known me since he saw me in a 1994 Robb Report (he brought the page with him). He was 25 years old and physically fit; trained in martial arts; knew what focus and commitment meant; and wanted to find a goal wherein he could use his current talents. I told him I forgot what I looked like in 1994. His commitment and focus put him ahead of his contemporaries and most others. He needed to look at various opportunities he could wrap his passion around with - don't think he has a lot of time just because he is only 25!
A fast talking lawyer who, at 39, had already had success in property and brokering deals from a tax haven but wanted to get to the next level. He had bought my first book on eBay in 2004 and needed further assistance on how to get more direction. I told him: get laser beam focused, he can't do it all, and to use his legal practice as a conduit.
There were a couple of attendees (see below) that studied under two of my very successful mentees. Hence they thought, if I trained them – Bodo Schaeffer (German Mind, Body, Finance Guru) and Ron Legrand (USA “No Money Down” Real Estate Guru) – I must be a terrific mentor coach!
A 35 years old budding real estate entrepreneur wants to leave his current endeavour as a night club owner after doing his 1st real estate deal. He’d had success early in his life with something he was passionate about, but lost focus and has had difficulty finding it again. I told him that he knew what it felt like because he had the passion once - find something he wanted that badly and refocus as he once did.
A 31 years old, once a personal assistant before becoming a real estate CEO, he had done real estate deals on his own but is now trying to do bigger deals that were much too confusing and needed too many things to happen to close the deal. He had knowledge from a former CEO but was trying to build his own track record. I told him that simple deals are best; financial institutions and investors like simplicity.
I told all the above: DREAM BIGGER DREAMS. They needed a board of directors and a dream team to assist in fulfilling their dreams, but with one exception - I told them all they were involved in too many things and were not laser beam focused. I told them all they were not working hard, tough or smart enough. I told them all – what gets measured, gets done and what gets measured gets better. They all needed bench marks, more finite goals to be reviewed weekly (better daily) and they all had to hold themselves much more accountable. I told them all we would follow up in our monthly group coaching call and that they would be severely beaten (metaphorically speaking, of course), if they didn't accomplish their given tasks. Some seemed to like the beating idea. LOL!
There are other stories from the castle seminar that I could share, but I hope you get the point that the attendees are very much like you. There are too many to list that had no business, no concrete idea and barely enough money to make it to the castle seminar! I share these short stories to show seminar attendees are no different than you London Realers! They have challenges just like you guys. After meeting the London Realers at the Ritz, I am more convinced than ever that there is little difference, other than you all have been brought together by Brain Rose’s London Real TV and have seen his geometric QLA paradigm shift!
To Your Quantum Leap in life and business!
P.S. Though you are told that cash and finance for deals are tight – just remember that it still exists! It's a jungle out there and only the fittest survive, based on which of you are willing to make the major sacrifices required to succeed in life. As I have told the above castle attendees and all that will listen, it is easier when you present your deals with the support and backing of: a dream team, senior board of directors built around an experienced anchor chairman, a credible law firm, a credible accounting firm and a deal you believe in, you are so focused on that you are passionate in your execution. In fact, I recently put out a new podcast – HOW DO I GET THE FUCKING MONEY that is about 45 minutes of pure gold! People ask why I have not updated my various FREE QLA products on Raising Capital, Deals and Acquisitions, and Financing Your Dreams, etc. The simple and obvious reason for people like me - who have been doing transactions the last 20+ years as a coach - NOTHING HAS CHANGED! Except for crowdfunding, which is a relatively new alternative, the same methodologies exist and still work! With QLA you don’t need crowdfunding, because you use it only when the other methods don’t work – and QLA works just as well, if not better, now!
P.P.S I have told my children and anyone who would listen: it is not what happens to you in life that dictates how you turn out, it is solely how you interpret what happens in life that dictates your future. To each of us, the glass is either half empty or half full. How do you interpret what happens to you?
P.P.P.S. At the recent QLA 1-day London Real TV Live Event at the Ritz, some were taken aback by my harshness, candor and the use of the word CUNT, telling them they were afraid of the sacrifices it took to be successful. Others took what I said positively and will act positively! Or as I put it in a recent tweet: