London born Hayley Quinn was a shy and anxious kid growing up but is now a high earning dating guru, bringing advice to men and women alike. Coaching people in their relationships, Haley would help clients understand their partner but, more importantly, understand themselves.
In an industry where many claim to be 'experts' in seduction and dating, Haley brings her knowledge of gender, language and psychology to the table. These methods are calculated from science and dynamically empathetic to how people work. She was out to break down the bullshit 'pick up artist' industry, one of snake oil salesmen and cowboys, to replace it with something real and ethical.
Since then, Hayley's business as gone from strength to strength. Call it the result of science backed coaching but the methods and knowledge has not only helped thousands of clients, it has featured in authoritative mainstream media outlets. Channel 4, Men's Health, leading universities and now, of course, London Real. Don't miss on this episode because of what you think you already know about this industry - Hayley will turn that on its head. And who knows, maybe you'll get a date or two out of what you hear...
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