Wine entrepreneur & connoisseur James Dawson talks drinking Grape Juice on your own terms, how he landed in London 10yrs ago with only with £50, and why fatherhood has been the most difficult and most rewarding thing of his life. Join Brian & Nic for a special London Real event at his wine tasting in London next week on December 6th. Go to and get 25% off using LondonReal as the customer code.
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"Why are you mad at UBS? Why aren't you mad at BP?" - Brian (04:03)
"You can't be from South Africa - you're not black!." - James (17:45)
"The centre of the universe - like America thinks they are now..." - James (20:07)
"the British have binge-drinking to the next level." - Nic (21:06)
"I'm not really convinced by the whole 'natural wine movement'" - James (31:24)
"I was just thinking about male relationships and how strange they are." -Brian (49:00)
"I have an axe that's so sharp I could circumcise a gnat." - Nic (1:00:26)